17 08, 2018

Jersey, PAGCOR and North Cagayan added


We’ve had a busy few months here at iTech Labs. In addition to testing and certifying games for our customers around the world, the team has been been working hard to expand our list of accredited jurisdictions. Recently we’ve been able to add Jersey (the country), PAGCOR and North Cagayan to our portfolio. There are [...]

Jersey, PAGCOR and North Cagayan added 2018-10-15T16:01:04+11:00
17 08, 2018

Online Bingo now allowed in Italy!


In a long awaited move by ADM, the Italian regulator, online Bingo is now allowed in Italy! Post-certification of course. This is the only significant change in this release of the standards, but it’s a big one. We’ve already begun testing some of these games, and look forward to testing more in the coming months [...]

Online Bingo now allowed in Italy! 2018-10-15T16:00:26+11:00